Installation: Use the Window's Program Manager to start the Install program. Use the 'Run' menuitem under the 'File' Menu. You may browse to B:\install or simply type in B:install in the 'Command Line' box. The installion program will open a window and give you two choices, "Install", "Exit". Choose "Install", this will open up a new window and the program will read your system to check for already existing files and suggest a path (place) for the installation. Help is available here too. From this point you may continue with the installation or exit out. To Continue select the 'Begin' button, this starts the actual installation of files. The installation program DOES NOT modify your Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, or Win.ini, files in any way. After installation you may double click the File Magician icon which will present you with a message window stating that the configuration for FM cannot be located and that the default configuration is in effect. File Magician has its own configuration file that will be created when you have 'Saved' the configuration setting while running File Magician. If you installed to a previous FM location, File Magician will detect this and ask you if you wish it to try and reconfigure itself from your old configuration file. 9 times out of 10 it is successfull! Then you must resave the configuration before exiting or else the process will be repeated with the next FM bootup. Please Note that most of the files on this disk are in a compressed format and it is necessary for installation that the install.exe program be used. This is a insert from the main documentary file and really must be stressed! First and Most important before running File Magician! For Best results.. 1. Double Click on Window's pif editor. 2. Select 'Open' from the File Menu. 3. Select _default.pif from the selection box, then press 'OK'. 4. Locate 'Windowed' button and select to on. This is a radio button and if a dot appears in the middle of the circle it is then on. 5. Locate 'Close Window On Exit' button and select to on. This is a X type button and a 'X' in the square is on. 6. Now from the File Menu select 'Save As'. 7. The filename and path "C:\Windows\_default.pif" should be hi-lited in the file name box, if so, press 'OK', if not enter in your windows path adding the _default.pif filename and click 'OK' 8. A Dialog box will appear and inform you that the file already exists and ask you if you wish to 'Replace existing file?'. Select 'Yes' Doing this is the only windows adjustment that you must make. You may then decide where you wish place File Magician and what icon you may want it to have. NOTE: Programs such as any of the Pkware products, lha, and arj, really should be in your dos, windows, or systems, directories. Windows it seems does not really honor the path environment as much as it claims when executing external programs. If you have trouble with the Archive Commander then place these programs there. NEXT Important thing.. File Magician's Configuration.. Thanks! Terry Bullard